We do our very best to help our students find the right job after graduation.

Below you will find a list of currently open law enforcement jobs.  Many of these departments now have cadet programs where they will pay a portion, or in some cases all of your tuition, plus pay your cadet pay while you are attending the academy.  Please contact the department directly for more information on their cadet programs  

Cape Girardeau Police Department 

is currently accepting applications for: 

Sikeston Department of Public Safety 

is currently accepting applications for: 

City of Perryville

is currently accepting applications for: 

Scott City Police Department

is currently accepting applications for: 

Washington Police Department

is currently accepting applications for: 

122 S. Ellis
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Mailing Address
One University Plaza, MS 5200
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701